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Click here to view the project poster

Source Code


Click here to download the source code of the project. The project was last compiled in Unity 5.0.1 32 bit standard edition.

Project Book


Click here (dropbox) or here (wikia) to download the project book and read more about the development process of the project



Click here to view the project presentation


Virtual OS


Manipulating Objects in Virtual Reality via an intuative user interface


Oculus Rift Integration


The project integrates between the world of Perceptual Computing and Virtual Reality with the Oculus Rift to give the user a convincing and all encompasing workspace.

Cross Platform


The project is implemeted in Unity, and as such can be compiled into over 30 different platforms!

Intel RealSense Integration


The project integrates the Intel RealSense's implemntation of Perceptual Computing. The Virtual OS takes advantage of the positional tracking and gesture recognition, along with our algorithms, to give the user a smooth and intuitive experience.

VR & PC User Interface

The project integrates between the world of Perceptual Computing and Virtual Reality to create a user interface which the user can control with natural and intuitive controls, and percieve in VR space.
The goal of the project is to see if we can create an intuitive environment which it is comfortable to work in VR with gestures and hand movements instead of using a keyboard and mouse. An additional goal is to see if we can properly capture and detect user movements in a smooth and robust way with a high confidence rate.
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